What's CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)?
Jorge Reyes – Sat Feb 27 2021
2 min.
When building a web service that uses the HTTP protocol for transmitting hypermedia documents, we can upload resources to the same server, that way we can use them in the service we're building. In fact, we can't use resources from another server by default, this is restricted by the same-origin policy.
This is a security measure implemented in browsers, if the petition comes from a CLI there will be no CORS.
Trying to access to another server information/resources is called a Cross-Origin Request. And whenever we want to use them in another origin (server) we need the help of a technology called Cross-Origin Resource Sharing or CORS for short.
What does CORS do?
Using the HTTP headers the main server needs to specify if others domains should be able to fetch data from itself. This is achieved using the Access-Control-Allow-Origin
header, then, you have something like this in the header response:
Acces-Control-Allow-Origin: <other origin(s)>
If you want anyone to have access you can use the
Having this in mind, we can now see an example. Imagine we have a domain called domain-a.com
without any CORS declared, and we want to fetch some data from domain-a.com
in our domain-b.com
. The browser will prevent this fetch to happens with a CORS error, because by default all of these petitions are restricted.
But, when we add Acces-Control-Allow-Origin: http://domain-b.com
to our domain-a.com
server, the fetch petition from the second domain to the first one will succeed, the browser will now allow this fetch request because domain-a.com
told the browser to permit the petitions from domain-b.com
This was a brief description of what is CORS, more information can be found at the MDN. Thanks for reading 🥳.